


angelThe Book of Job, once talked about the Wonders of the world

How they can be reached through the eyes of pain

Metaphysics once talked about equal and opposites creating attraction that set forth a chain reaction, which any story could unfold from

Explosions create new planets, comets float without resistance through the galaxies, and waves can be detected to explain the big bang

Music can resonate with anybody and open hearts and souls, like an unfinished symphony will leave one also full of wonder

And yet the joy of two bodies embraced finding themselves and home, cannot be explained?


I see and feel you everywhere I look

You are in every vibration, every key stroke, every brush stroke, and every butterfly

You are in every particle and atom that makes the universe fill of matter


The axis of the earth has been forever tilted to where it should be

The floor is now firmly under our feet

The bed is the space ship that launches reality to where it should be

The wind in the willows is the breath that I breathe into you

The leaves falling from the trees and gently softly landing on the ground are the cycles of the seasons, which now have a new meaning and intention


Your embrace is all that matters

Embracing you is all that matters.


Jazzy Bell.

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